Fundraising Ideas?

Do You Need a Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet?

Unlimited Uses for Bitcoin

We talked about Birthday Parties where multiple people earn bitcoin using bitcoin faucets. You can substitute any cause or person for the birthday party.

Let's suppose you would love to be able to send money to a particular family member anywhere in the world. Why couldn't many people join together to raise funds, anonymously, by earning bitcoin on bitcoin faucets and paid to click sites? Why not?

It really is easy to do.

Suppose an entire church group would like to support a particular missionary.  A program could be designed just for them which would not take a lot of time, not cost any money, and provide encouragement to the missionary who would see small amounts accumulating in his Bitcoin Wallet from many people.

Wouldn't sending even a very small amount of bitcoin to a student mean more to them than just another "like" or "thumbs up" on Facebook?   Here's my email. Want some help?  No charge.

Happy Birthday Bitcoin Party

I have a birthday coming soon. In today's birthday cards have replaced the real thing. A text message or email has replaced the phone call. Shopping for a birthday present has often been reduced to sending a gift card to a particular store or restaurant. Now you can eliminate having to choose the right store and send a Visa debit card. Happy Birthday World.

In the world of Bitcoin friends and family could start early and earn some bitcoins on faucets or paid to click sites. Make sure the person who you are sending the birthday gift to has a Bitcoin Wallet. Then....on the special day everyone sends bitcoin the the Birthday Boy. He can spend it or save it. He can wait to see if it appreciates in value like bitcoin did. is different. Better than a scratch ticket.


Fundraising with Bitcoin?

Here is another scenario for how society can use the Bitcoin technology.  Suppose a group of people decided to attempt to raise money for a common purpose. They could appeal to the public for donations by advertising or doing fundraisers. Or, they could set up a Bitcoin Fundraiser.

The first step would be to set up a bitcoin wallet with Coinbase. This will give the "purpose" an identity, the wallet number.

Next, let's call them the Group, joins a high-paying Bitcoin faucet that gives away bitcoin every 15 minutes.  Bitmais pays between 50 and 50000 Satoshi every 15 minutes. Those earnings go immediately to Faucet Box which collects and holds earnings until it moves them to Coinbase.

It is not as complicated as it sounds and it assures that the earnings are not being held for an eventual payout to someone like Paypal or Payza.

Now each member of the Group opens an account at Coinbase to get their Wallet ID#. When they go to Bitmais and plug in their Coinbase ID, they automatically  become members of Bitmais. Their earnings go to their Faucet Box Account and then to their Coinbase Account.

The final step is that all members of the Group hit the "Send" button at Coinbase and send their earnings to the Group's Coinbase Account.

Now for the bonus. When the members of the Group sign up for their own Bitmais Account they use a referral link provided by the Group. Now the Group will get an additional 20% "commission" for referring the individual members.

As bitcoin becomes more competitive, I believe we will see higher payouts from faucets and paid to click sites. And, the altcoins will probably develop their own incentives and will give you their coins.

So, now is the time to try these various ideas. Don't wait until you hear about a similar campaign on TV.

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