
Coinbase Will Give You a Bitcoin Wallet for Free

You have to have a Bitcoin Wallet ID before you can do anything in Bitcoin. The most recommended place to go is to Coinbase.

I have had excellent experience with Coinbase and it is a great place to start. Just follow the instructions and write down your number. You will need it all the time.


Now follow this link to Land of Bitcoin.

Sign up for a free account. You will also get a Microwallet account for free. You will use your Coinbase number as your number at Microwallet too.

You are now ready to start earning bitcoin. Find the link on Land of Bitcoin that says, "Collect free bitcoins from faucets". Click on it and browse as many as you can. You can check your account balance where it says "Check your Microwallet Account".

You are on your way. Have fun!

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